Super Full Moon in Libra – Spring Equinox – 21st March 2019.

//Super Full Moon in Libra – Spring Equinox – 21st March 2019.

Super Full Moon in Libra – Spring Equinox – 21st March 2019.

Double equilibrium.

It’s a very special, powerful Moon that ushers in strong, new potential enhanced by the Equinox’s energy of new beginnings, that’ll awaken us and renew us.

It’s a big one for intuition too, as we’re guided to tune in, especially with our cycles and to embrace true release that will ready us for the next steps of our journey. We are given an opportunity to Spring clean and start afresh, so that we can fully activate our own blossoming magick.

Take stock of where you’re putting your time and energy, or review plans. If it’s not being put where it serves you best, set it free or make positive changes to create room for important things, and that which makes you happiest. Balance is a huge theme this phase, especially in relationships and partnerships as a main focus, but also our emotions and feelings. We’re encouraged to find peace by assessing what drains us, and just how well we play with others. Truths are now prominent and illuminated to help us address what isn’t working, as a final push to bring us back to wholeness. It will help us discern fact over emotion, from a higher perspective, especially as there’s a “Me” vs “You” mentality with this, which could lead to misunderstandings if handled without fairness, clearness and flexibility.

It’s an ideal time to re-establish co-operation, compromise, negotiation, equality and intimacy. Give and take is important, as well as considering the relationship we have with ourselves, and making sure we have our needs met. This high vibe Moon is intensely charged to offer us blessings that will propel us forward into a new chapter.

Equinox and Supermoon blessings,

Louise x
